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Endorse This Project

If you have any professional or personal testimony as to how float therapy helped you or someone else recover following a traumatic event, please take a few moments and let us know more about your experience. It would be incredibly helpful for our momentum.


Please know that your submission might be used to help us inform others of the benefits of clinical float therapy. By sending this information, you're giving us permission to put it on our website and other materials. If you want to customize how we can or cannot use what you submit, we have created a space in the form for you to let us know.


Thank you for supporting us as we help Maui recover!

Max File Sizes: Video 4GB - Image 25MB - Audio 50MB - Docs 1GB

Help Fund This Project

Thank you for hearing us and believing in us! Whether you're a passionate individual or a large philanthropic organization (or anything in between), we want to send you our warmest 'mahalo' for helping us bring this humanitarian project to the people of Maui in the fastest way possible.

We need to raise $500k ASAP to finish building our float facility, have it shipped to Maui, and cover the costs to provide FREE float therapy to everyone on Maui who has been impacted by the fires. If you would like to fuel our momentum towards this goal, please use the buttons below to contact us and we can point you towards the best way to make your generous donation. Thank you!

Your donation to Maui Calm is through the Float Research Collective which is a Maui-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.

Please Donate

If you have the means to make a donation no matter how big or small, please do so. We don't have much time and we need to move as quickly as we can to really make an impact on the well-being of Maui's residents. Our current goal is $1 million to be able to provide FREE CLINICAL FLOAT THERAPY for anyone who has been affected by the Maui fires.

We are a 501(c)(3) corporation so all donations are tax deductible.


It's going to take everyone who can hear us to help make this happen!

Follow Our Progress

Things are happening quickly as we race to help the people of Maui. If you would like to receive Maui Calm updates in your email and be the first to know what is happening with this project, please subscribe below.

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